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NIPE Outcome

The FHIR profiles used for the NIPE Outcome Event Message Bundle

Event Message Content

The NIPE Outcome event message represents a record of a New Born Physical Examination outcome in relation to a patient. Either creation, an update or deletion of the record.

All “NIPE Outcome” event messages that are published to the NEMS MUST be created inline with guidance and requirements specified on this page and on the Generic Event Message Requirements page. Where requirements on this page contradict the requirements on the Generic Event Message Requirements page, then the requirements on this page take precedence.

Bundle Structure

The event message will contain a mandatory MessageHeader resource as the first element within the event message bundle as per FHIR messaging requirements. The MessageHeader resource references a Encounter resource as the focus of the event message. The test procedures, results and comment are linked to this encounter focus resource within the event message.

The diagram below shows the referencing between FHIR resources within the event message bundle:

Event Life Cycle

The MessageHeader resource contains the messageEventType extension which represents the action the event message represents at a resource level, for example the NIPE Outcome being shared is new or has been updated, or the NIPE Outcome has been deleted. The messageEventType extension shall contain a values as per the table below:

Value Description
new The new value must be used when the NIPE Outcome is being shared for the first time, or is being shared because of an update to the information.
update A value of update will not be used for this type of event due to the way the NIPE tests are recorded and managed within the current National Screening Service, a value of new shall be used instead.
delete The delete value must be used when the NIPE Outcome record has been deleted and the record no longer exists.

Identifying Information

To support the event life cycle outlined above the following requirements MUST be followed:

  • For new and update type event messages, all procedures, results and other information MUST be included within each of the event messages.

  • The information included in the NIPE Outcome event message should be treated as atomic and stored under the identifier included within focus CareConnect-Encounter-1 resource. Where a new type event message is received with the same identifier the previous information should be overwritten with the information in the later event message as identified by the MessageHeader.meta.lastUpdated element within the event message.

  • In a delete type event message the event message should be populated with the payload of the original new (or update) message where possible, to allow for additional validation of the information being removed. Where this is not possible the event message SHALL including, as a minimum, the MessageHeader resource and the focus CareConnect-Encounter-1 resource. It is important that the CareConnect-Encounter-1 resource includes the relevant identifier element, as included in new (or update) event messages so the subscriber can identify the NIPE Outcome which the delete relates to.

Message Sequencing

As the NIPE Outcome may change in the source system, this would be represented by multiple new, new (update) and delete type event messages being published. To allow a subscribers to perform message sequencing, the event MUST include the meta.lastUpdated element within the MessageHeader resource allowing the consumer to identify the latest and most up to date information.

Onward Delivery

The delivery of the NIPE Outcome event messages to subscribers via MESH will use the following WorkflowID within the MESH control file. This WorkflowID will need to be added to the receiving MESH mailbox configuration before event messages can be received.


Resource Population Requirements and Guidance

The following requirements and resource population guidance must be followed in addition to the requirements and guidance outlined in the Generic Requirements page.

Resource Mapping Overview

Element Name FHIR resource element Description
Date/Time CareConnect-Encounter-1.period.start The date the examination took place
Location CareConnect-Location-1.identifier (ODS Site Code) The location recorded as to where the NIPE took place
Performing Professional Name of the Healthcare Professional performing the examination
SDS Job Role Name CareConnect-PractitionerRole-1.code (SDS Job Role Name) The professional role that the Healthcare Professional has in relation to the person (e.g. Nursery Nurse, Health Visitor, School Nurse etc.)
Outcome Status Hips CareConnect-Procedure-1.outcome Whether or not a problem was detected or suspected with hips
Outcome Status Eyes CareConnect-Procedure-1.outcome Whether or not a problem was detected or suspected with eyes
Outcome Status Testes CareConnect-Procedure-1.outcome Whether or not a problem was detected or suspected with the testes
Outcome Status Heart CareConnect-Procedure-1.outcome Whether or not a problem was detected or suspected with the heart
Comment CareConnect-Communication-1.Communication.category.coding.system Supporting text may be given covering regarding the screening test, outcome and actions taken.


The Bundle resource included as part of the event message SHALL conform to the Bundle constrained FHIR profile and the additional population guidance as per the table below:

Resource Cardinality 1..1 (new) 1..1 (delete)
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
type 1..1 Fixed value: message


The Event-MessageHeader-1 resource included as part of the event message SHALL conform to the Event-MessageHeader-1 constrained FHIR profile and the additional population guidance as per the table below:

Resource Cardinality 1..1 (new) 1..1 (delete)
Element Cardinality new Cardinality delete Additional Guidance
extension(routingDemographics) 1..1 1..1 The extension MUST contain the details of the patient who is the focus of this event message.
1..1 1..1 The extension MUST contain the patient’s NHS Number identifier and is used by the NEMS for routing event messages to subscribers.
1..1 0..1 The extension MUST contain the human name element containing the patient’s official given and family names as recognised by PDS, and match the NHS number in the routingDemographics extension.
1..1 0..1 The extension MUST contain the patient’s Date Of Birth which matches the NHS number in the routingDemographics extension.
meta.lastUpdated 1..1 1..1 Message Sequencing - A FHIR instant (time stamp with sub-second accuracy) which represents the point in time that the change occurred which should be used for ordering messages for processing.
extension(eventMessageType) 1..1 1..1 See the “Event Life Cycle” section above.
event 1..1 1..1 Fixed Value: nipe-outcome-1 ​NIPE outcome
focus 1..1 1..1 The focus element will reference the CareConnect-Encounter-1 resource which contains information relating to the event message.


The CareConnect-Encounter-1 resource included as part of the event message SHALL conform to the CareConnect-Encounter-1 constrained FHIR profile and the additional population guidance as per the table below:

Resource Cardinality 1..1 (new) 1..1 (delete)
Element Cardinality new Cardinality delete Additional Guidance
identifier 1..1 1..1 A publisher defined unique identifier for the NIPE Outcome which will be maintained across different event messages to allow subscribers to identify the information within subsequent new (i.e. updated) or delete event messages.
Encounter.type.coding(childHealthEncounterType) 1..1 0..1 Encounter.type.coding(childHealthEncounterType) SHALL use a value from
Encounter.reason.coding(snomedCT) 0..1 0..1 Encounter.reason.coding(snomedCT) SHOULD use a value from
serviceProvider 1..1 0..1 This will reference the Organisation resource hosting the Encounter
location 0..1 0..1 This will reference the Encounter’s Location
subject 1..1 0..1 This will reference the patient resource representing the subject of this event
period.start 1..1 0..1 Date/Time


The CareConnect-Organization-1 resource included as part of the event message SHALL conform to the CareConnect-Organization-1 constrained FHIR profile and the additional population guidance as per the table below:

Resource Cardinality 1..1 (new) 0..1 (delete)
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
identifier.system 1..1 Fixed value:
identifier.value 1..1 Organisation’s ODS Organization Code
name 1..1 Organisation’s Name


The CareConnect-Patient-1 resource included as part of the event message SHALL conform to the CareConnect-Patient-1 constrained FHIR profile and the additional population guidance as per the table below:

Resource Cardinality 1..1 (new) 0..1 (delete)
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
identifier 1..1 Patient NHS Number SHALL be included within the nhsNumber identifier slice
name (official) 1..1 Patients name as registered on PDS, included within the resource as the official name element slice
birthDate 1..1 The patient birth date shall be included in the patient resource


The CareConnect-HealthcareService-1 resource included as part of the event message SHALL conform to the CareConnect-HealthcareService-1 constrained FHIR profile and the additional population guidance as per the table below:

Resource Cardinality 0..1 (new) 0..1 (delete)
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
providedBy 1..1 This will reference the ‘sender’ organization of the event message.
type 1..1 This will represent the type of service responsible for the event message. This will have a fixed value from the ValueSet CareConnect-CareSettingType-1
specialty 1..1 HealthcareService.specialty SHALL use a value from


The CareConnect-Location-1 resource included as part of the event message SHALL conform to the CareConnect-Location-1 constrained FHIR profile and the additional population guidance as per the table below:

Resource Cardinality 0..1 (new) 0..1 (delete)


The CareConnect-Practitioner-1 resource included as part of the event message SHALL conform to the CareConnect-Practitioner-1 constrained FHIR profile and the additional population guidance as per the table below:

Resource Cardinality 1..1 (new) 0..1 (delete)


The CareConnect-PractitionerRole-1 resource included as part of the event message SHALL conform to the CareConnect-PractitionerRole-1 constrained FHIR profile and the additional population guidance as per the table below:

Resource Cardinality 0..1 (new) 0..1 (delete)
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
organization 1..1 This will reference the Organization resource responsible for the event
practitioner 1..1 This will reference the Practitioner resource responsible for the event
PractitionerRole.code(careProfessionalType) 1..1 PractitionerRole.code(careProfessionalType) SHALL use a value from
PractitionerRole.code(SDS Job Role Name) 0..1 Practitioner SDS Job Role Name
PractitionerRole.code(keyWorkerStatus) 0..1 If Practitioner is a key worker, PractitionerRole.codekeyWorkerStatus SHALL use a value from
PractitionerRole.specialty 1..1 PractitionerRole.specialty SHALL use a value from


The CareConnect-Procedure-1 resource included as part of the event message SHALL conform to the CareConnect-Procedure-1 constrained FHIR profile and the additional population guidance as per the table below:

Resource Cardinality 3..4 (new) 0..4 (delete)
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
subject 1..1 This will reference the patient resource representing the subject of this event

For each of the Procedure resources representing a Test Outcome:

CareConnect-Procedure-1 (Physical Examination, Hips)

Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
Procedure.code.coding.system 1..1 Fixed Value:
Procedure.code.coding.code 1..1 Fixed Value: 985531000000102
Procedure.code.coding.display 1..1 Fixed Value: Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme, hip examination
Procedure.outcome.coding(snomedCT) 1..1 Procedure.outcome.coding(snomedCT) SHALL use a value from

CareConnect-Procedure-1 (Physical Examination, Eyes)

Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
Procedure.code.coding.system 1..1 Fixed Value:
Procedure.code.coding.code 1..1 Fixed Value: 988361000000105
Procedure.code.coding.display 1..1 Fixed Value: Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme, eye examination
Procedure.outcome.coding(snomedCT) 1..1 Procedure.outcome.coding(snomedCT) SHALL use a value from

CareConnect-Procedure-1 (Physical Examination, Testes)

Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
Procedure.code.coding.system 1..1 Fixed Value:
Procedure.code.coding.code 1..1 Fixed Value: 988371000000103
Procedure.code.coding.display 1..1 Fixed Value: Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme, testis examination
Procedure.outcome.coding(snomedCT) 1..1 Procedure.outcome.coding(snomedCT) SHALL use a value from

CareConnect-Procedure-1 (Physical Examination, Heart)

Element Cardinality Additional Guidance  
Procedure.code.coding.system 1..1 Fixed Value:  
Procedure.code.coding.code 1..1 Fixed Value: 988351000000107  
Procedure.code.coding.display 1..1 Fixed Value: Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme, heart examination  
Procedure.outcome.coding(snomedCT) 1..1 Procedure.outcome.coding(snomedCT) SHALL use a value from  


The CareConnect-Communication-1 resource included as part of the event message SHALL conform to the CareConnect-Communication-1 constrained FHIR profile and the additional population guidance as per the table below:

Resource Cardinality 0..1 (new) 0..1 (delete)
Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
status 1..1 Fixed value: completed
sender 1..1 This will reference the sending organization of the event message.
subject 1..1 This will reference the patient resource representing the patient who is the subject of this event.
Communication.category.coding.system 1..1 Fixed Value:
Communication.category.coding.code 1..1 009 OR 010
Communication.category.coding.display 1..1 ‘Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (72 hours)’ OR ‘Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (6-8 Weeks)’


New Update Delete
<Bundle xmlns=""> <id value="06c3a440-4883-11e8-842f-0ed5f89f718b"/> <meta> <profile value=""/> </meta> <type value="message"/> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:9d2e2cd9-ffe1-49c7-be43-f36e30564d3f"/> <resource> <MessageHeader> <id value="9d2e2cd9-ffe1-49c7-be43-f36e30564d3f"/> <meta> <lastUpdated value="2017-11-01T15:00:33+00:00"/> <profile value=""/> </meta> <extension url=""> <extension url="nhsNumber"> <valueIdentifier> <system value=""/> <value value="9912003888"/> </valueIdentifier> </extension> <extension url="name"> <valueHumanName> <use value="official"/> <family value="DAWKINS"/> <given value="Jack"/> </valueHumanName> </extension> <extension url="birthDateTime"> <valueDateTime value="2017-10-02T12:00:00+00:00"/> </extension> </extension> <extension url=""> <valueCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="new"/> <display value="New event message"/> </coding> </valueCodeableConcept> </extension> <event> <system value=""/> <code value="nipe-outcome-1"/> <display value="NIPE outcome"/> </event> <timestamp value="2017-11-01T15:00:00+00:00"/> <source> <name value="UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF NORTH DURHAM"/> <contact> <system value="phone"/> <value value="0191 1231234"/> </contact> <endpoint value="urn:nhs:addressing:asid:300000000161"/> </source> <responsible> <reference value="urn:uuid:33a33b58-648a-4453-b981-e21ea9ebc6ea"/> <display value="UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF NORTH DURHAM"/> </responsible> <focus> <reference value="urn:uuid:1bcb0151-4ddf-4084-9c06-e8a31fdcf25b"/> </focus> </MessageHeader> </resource> </entry> <!--Responsible for message content--> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:33a33b58-648a-4453-b981-e21ea9ebc6ea"/> <resource> <Organization> <id value="33a33b58-648a-4453-b981-e21ea9ebc6ea"/> <meta> <profile value=""/> </meta> <identifier> <system value=""/> <value value="RX3EP"/> </identifier> <name value="UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF NORTH DURHAM"/> <address> <line value="NORTH ROAD"/> <city value="DURHAM"/> <district value="COUNTY DURHAM"/> <postalCode value="DH1 5TW"/> </address> </Organization> </resource> </entry> <!--Healthcare service used e.g GP, trust, etc..--> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:5a293df7-b22f-41b6-8bf1-44248ea59edb"/> <resource> <HealthcareService> <id value="5a293df7-b22f-41b6-8bf1-44248ea59edb"/> <meta> <profile value=""/> </meta> <identifier> <system value=""/> <value value="PDS"/> </identifier> <providedBy> <reference value="urn:uuid:33a33b58-648a-4453-b981-e21ea9ebc6ea"/> <display value="UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF DURHAM "/> </providedBy> <type> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="714088003"/> <display value="Midwifery Service"/> </coding> </type> <specialty> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="420"/> <display value="PAEDIATRICS"/> </coding> </specialty> <location> <reference value="urn:uuid:02692f55-56cf-4dda-8ef5-e9ec13f6bd99"/> </location> <telecom> <system value="phone"/> <value value="0191 1231234"/> </telecom> </HealthcareService> </resource> </entry> <!--Child Details (Jack Dawkins)--> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:5d5845f3-398f-474b-af59-14882fc7b0ca"/> <resource> <Patient> <id value="5d5845f3-398f-474b-af59-14882fc7b0ca"/> <meta> <profile value=""/> </meta> <identifier> <extension url=""> <valueCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="01"/> <display value="Number present and verified"/> </coding> </valueCodeableConcept> </extension> <system value=""/> <value value="9912003888"/> </identifier> <name> <use value="official"/> <family value="DAWKINS"/> <given value="Jack"/> </name> <gender value="male"/> <birthDate value="2013-10-12"> <extension url=""> <valueDateTime value="2017-10-02T12:00:00+00:00"/> </extension> </birthDate> <address> <use value="home"/> <line value="4 Sandmoor Drive"/> <city value="DURHAM"/> <postalCode value="DH1 2TF"/> </address> </Patient> </resource> </entry> <!--Examination Hips--> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:c55d58e2-9fcd-4f12-ad8c-21b1eb0afbf6"/> <resource> <Procedure> <id value="c55d58e2-9fcd-4f12-ad8c-21b1eb0afbf6"/> <meta> <profile value=""/> </meta> <identifier> <system value=""/> <value value="8154d55f-2966-4f0c-947a-41aee802cf2c"/> </identifier> <status value="completed"/> <code> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="985531000000102"/> <display value="Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme, hip examination"/> </coding> </code> <subject> <reference value="urn:uuid:5d5845f3-398f-474b-af59-14882fc7b0ca"/> </subject> <context> <reference value="urn:uuid:1bcb0151-4ddf-4084-9c06-e8a31fdcf25b"/> </context> <performedDateTime value="2018-02-01"/> <performer> <actor> <reference value="urn:uuid:9a53ead6-ffbb-4914-b877-5026f947cfaa"/> </actor> </performer> <outcome> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="985891000000104"/> <display value="Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme, hip examination done, right abnormality suspected with risk factor"/> </coding> </outcome> </Procedure> </resource> </entry> <!--Examination Eyes--> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:8230198b-5fe3-48e2-935b-c2c3d929fe69"/> <resource> <Procedure> <id value="8230198b-5fe3-48e2-935b-c2c3d929fe69"/> <meta> <profile value=""/> </meta> <identifier> <system value=""/> <value value="8154d55f-2966-4f0c-947a-41aee802cf2c"/> </identifier> <status value="completed"/> <code> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="988361000000105"/> <display value="Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme, eye examination"/> </coding> </code> <subject> <reference value="urn:uuid:5d5845f3-398f-474b-af59-14882fc7b0ca"/> </subject> <context> <reference value="urn:uuid:1bcb0151-4ddf-4084-9c06-e8a31fdcf25b"/> </context> <performedDateTime value="2018-02-01"/> <performer> <actor> <reference value="urn:uuid:9a53ead6-ffbb-4914-b877-5026f947cfaa"/> </actor> </performer> <outcome> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="989071000000108"/> <display value="Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme, eye examination done, no abnormality and no risk factor"/> </coding> </outcome> </Procedure> </resource> </entry> <!--Examination Testes--> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:48a23756-7314-4898-9892-fc5b561c8093"/> <resource> <Procedure> <id value="48a23756-7314-4898-9892-fc5b561c8093"/> <meta> <profile value=""/> </meta> <identifier> <system value=""/> <value value="8154d55f-2966-4f0c-947a-41aee802cf2c"/> </identifier> <status value="completed"/> <code> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="988371000000103"/> <display value="Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme, testis examination"/> </coding> </code> <subject> <reference value="urn:uuid:5d5845f3-398f-474b-af59-14882fc7b0ca"/> </subject> <context> <reference value="urn:uuid:1bcb0151-4ddf-4084-9c06-e8a31fdcf25b"/> </context> <performedDateTime value="2018-02-01"/> <performer> <actor> <reference value="urn:uuid:9a53ead6-ffbb-4914-b877-5026f947cfaa"/> </actor> </performer> <outcome> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="988931000000101"/> <display value="Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme, testis examination done, no abnormality"/> </coding> </outcome> </Procedure> </resource> </entry> <!--Examination Heart--> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:d42360ec-22d8-4ba2-b176-d0cc899f1c1d"/> <resource> <Procedure> <id value="d42360ec-22d8-4ba2-b176-d0cc899f1c1d"/> <meta> <profile value=""/> </meta> <identifier> <system value=""/> <value value="8154d55f-2966-4f0c-947a-41aee802cf2c"/> </identifier> <status value="completed"/> <code> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="988351000000107"/> <display value="Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme, heart examination"/> </coding> </code> <subject> <reference value="urn:uuid:5d5845f3-398f-474b-af59-14882fc7b0ca"/> </subject> <context> <reference value="urn:uuid:1bcb0151-4ddf-4084-9c06-e8a31fdcf25b"/> </context> <performedDateTime value="2018-02-01"/> <performer> <actor> <reference value="urn:uuid:9a53ead6-ffbb-4914-b877-5026f947cfaa"/> </actor> </performer> <outcome> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="988511000000100"/> <display value="Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme, heart examination done, no abnormality and no risk factor"/> </coding> </outcome> </Procedure> </resource> </entry> <!--NIPE Encounter details--> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:1bcb0151-4ddf-4084-9c06-e8a31fdcf25b"/> <resource> <Encounter> <id value="1bcb0151-4ddf-4084-9c06-e8a31fdcf25b"/> <meta> <profile value=""/> </meta> <identifier> <system value="https://supplierABC/identifiers"/> <value value="abc1111"/> </identifier> <status value="finished"/> <type> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="006"/> <display value="Newborn Infant Physical Examination"/> </coding> </type> <subject> <reference value="urn:uuid:5d5845f3-398f-474b-af59-14882fc7b0ca"/> <display value="DAWKINS, Jack"/> </subject> <period> <start value="2018-01-29"/> </period> <location> <location> <reference value="urn:uuid:02692f55-56cf-4dda-8ef5-e9ec13f6bd99"/> </location> </location> <serviceProvider> <reference value="urn:uuid:33a33b58-648a-4453-b981-e21ea9ebc6ea"/> </serviceProvider> </Encounter> </resource> </entry> <!--Practitioner--> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:9a53ead6-ffbb-4914-b877-5026f947cfaa"/> <resource> <Practitioner> <id value="9a53ead6-ffbb-4914-b877-5026f947cfaa"/> <meta> <profile value=""/> </meta> <identifier> <system value=""/> <value value="PT2469"/> </identifier> <name> <family value="Bashir"/> <given value="Julian"/> <prefix value="Dr."/> </name> </Practitioner> </resource> </entry> <!--Practitioner Role--> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:b7e3cc3a-9120-49fe-801c-2793b80ca922"/> <resource> <PractitionerRole> <id value="b7e3cc3a-9120-49fe-801c-2793b80ca922"/> <meta> <profile value=""/> </meta> <identifier> <system value=""/> <value value="PT2468"/> </identifier> <practitioner> <reference value="urn:uuid:9a53ead6-ffbb-4914-b877-5026f947cfaa"/> </practitioner> <organization> <reference value="urn:uuid:33a33b58-648a-4453-b981-e21ea9ebc6ea"/> </organization> <code> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="160"/> <display value="General Medical Practitioner"/> </coding> </code> <code> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="keyWorker"/> <display value="Is a Key Worker"/> </coding> </code> <specialty> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="290"/> <display value="COMMUNITY PAEDIATRICS"/> </coding> </specialty> </PractitionerRole> </resource> </entry> <!--Location where event took place (Maternity Site)--> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:02692f55-56cf-4dda-8ef5-e9ec13f6bd99"/> <resource> <Location> <id value="02692f55-56cf-4dda-8ef5-e9ec13f6bd99"/> <meta> <profile value=""/> </meta> <identifier> <system value=""/> <value value="RX3EP"/> </identifier> </Location> </resource> </entry> </Bundle>
<Bundle xmlns=""> <id value="bf0a4e3e-bab1-4955-8410-282868241128"/> <meta> <profile value=""/> </meta> <type value="message"/> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:5d87d039-e0e7-43e6-9839-76edeeeefb99"/> <resource> <MessageHeader> <id value="5d87d039-e0e7-43e6-9839-76edeeeefb99"/> <meta> <lastUpdated value="2017-11-01T16:02:05+00:00"/> <profile value=""/> </meta> <extension url=""> <extension url="nhsNumber"> <valueIdentifier> <system value=""/> <value value="9912003888"/> </valueIdentifier> </extension> <extension url="name"> <valueHumanName> <use value="official"/> <family value="DAWKINS"/> <given value="Jack"/> </valueHumanName> </extension> <extension url="birthDateTime"> <valueDateTime value="2017-10-02T12:00:00+00:00"/> </extension> </extension> <extension url=""> <valueCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="new"/> <display value="New event message"/> </coding> </valueCodeableConcept> </extension> <event> <system value=""/> <code value="nipe-outcome-1"/> <display value="NIPE outcome"/> </event> <timestamp value="2017-11-01T16:02:04+58:00"/> <source> <name value="UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF NORTH DURHAM"/> <contact> <system value="phone"/> <value value="0191 1231234"/> </contact> <endpoint value="urn:nhs:addressing:asid:300000000161"/> </source> <responsible> <reference value="urn:uuid:33a33b58-648a-4453-b981-e21ea9ebc6ea"/> <display value="UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF NORTH DURHAM"/> </responsible> <focus> <reference value="urn:uuid:1bcb0151-4ddf-4084-9c06-e8a31fdcf25b"/> </focus> </MessageHeader> </resource> </entry> <!--Responsible for message content--> <entry> <fullUrl value="urn:uuid:33a33b58-648a-4453-b981-e21ea9ebc6ea"/> <resource> <Organization> <id value="33a33b58-648a-4453-b981-e21ea9ebc6ea"/> <meta> <profile value=""/> </meta> <identifier> <system value=""/> <value value="RX3EP"/> </identifier> <name value="UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF NORTH DURHAM"/> <address> <line value="NORTH ROAD"/> <city value="DURHAM"/> <district value="COUNTY DURHAM"/> 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Tags: fhir

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